Photo Updates
What’s New contains explanatory text for each image, on the related page. Click each image to view an enlargement.
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Bagnall McNown, Mary Jane p 15
Blagrave, Mary Anne p 20
Blagrave, Samuel Isaac (Sammy) p 20
Blondin, Blessed Marie-Anne p 1139
Booth, Eliza J. Stafford Marlin, p 31
Booth, Helen T. p 31
Booth, J. Edward & family p 31
Booth, Margaret A. p 31
Booth, Lester J. p 31
Booth, Sethus J. & Hazel p 31
Borrowes, Keith Holtby p 923
Borrowes, Ophelia Holtby & Robert p 922
Boyce, Melinda Seraphina Lindsay & William p 41
Boyce Orr, Cornelia Edna p 41
Boyce Smith, Ann p_841
Boyce’s Mill p 840
Brittain, Edward, military cap badge p 611
Broadhurst, William Henry p148
Brown, Jane Ann p 50
Brown, W.J. Grocery, Montreal p 53
Brown, William Joseph p 53
Burbidge, William & Edward c. 1904 p 493
Butler Pigott, Mary Eliza p 23
Clarke Johnston, Marjorie p 324
Coleman McCauley, Hannah p 578
Connelly Ralston, Matilda p 135
Copping Barrow, Sarah Ann p 323
Copping Broadhurst, Florella Wright p148
Copping Dixon, Sarah p 146
Copping Johnston, Jane Louisa p 324
Copping Roberts, Margaret Frances p 323
Copping militia man p 1112
Copping Morgan, Ellen Maria p 323
Copping Parkinson, Frances Elizabeth p 686
Copping Parkinson, Jane p 688
Copping, Elizabeth p 323
Copping, George C. p 323
Copping, Henry, junior p 324
Copping, Henry, senior p 323
Copping Holtby, Maria p 377
Copping, James p 531
Copping, Joseph Reuben p 323
Copping, Mary p 323
Copping, Mary & Wm Holtby Family 1917, 26 individuals p 383
Copping Roberts, Margaret Frances p 323
Copping, William S. (Yankee Bill) p 811
Daly Roach, Ann p 1123
Dawson, Mary Jane p 680
Delahunt Findlay, Edith “Mrs. William” p 479
Dixon, Samuel & Sarah p 146
Eddington, Agnes Evelyn p 700
Eveleigh, John (tombstone) p 217
Farrell Chevalier Sims, Sarah p 890
Farrell Hamilton, Alicia Jane p 888
Farrell, Benjamin p 888
Farrell, Emily p 890
Farrell, James p 888
Farrell, John p 888
Farrell, John Enoch & Annie Chrow p 890
Felker, Euphemia Louise p 57
Gault, Clarene Young p 698
Gibbs, Solomon & Rebecca p 266
Goudie Norris, Ella p 50
Gray Mason, Elizabeth p 283
Gray, Elizabeth & Thomas Armstrong Mason p 283
Gray, James senior p 295
Gray, Mary & family with John Parkinson p 687
Greenan, Ellen Markey p 309
Greenan, Hugh p 309
Greenan, Mary Sarah p 309
Greene Fogarty, Stella Gertrude p 309
Green Hannan, Sarah Ann p 309
Green Murphy, Margaret Jane p 309
Greene reunion 1962 p 309
Green Shields, C. Alice p 309
Gundesen, Christian and Inez Parkinson p 700
Hamilton, Ellen E. Stafford p 31
Hamilton Sheldon, Susan Frances p 556
Hamilton, Samuel p 888
Hannan, William Thomas p 309
Harkness Copping, Frances p 323
Harrison, Thomas Samuel, James Henry & Lesley Holtby p923
Holtby b/d/m record in ‘Life of Christ’ (3 images) p 367
Holtby Copping, Maria p 377
Holtby Coulter Family 1901 p 170
Holtby Coulter Family 1912 p 10
Holtby Rawdon Township map p 372
Holtby Tinkler, Emma L. p 917
Holtby, Alfred & Susanna Norrish p 678
Holtby, Alfred Sidney “Sid” p 384
Holtby, Michael with map p 372
Holtby, Wm. & Mary Copping Family 1917, 26 individuals p 383
Irish Jaunting Car p 960
Irwin Marlin, Rebecca p 520
Johnson Brogan, Bridget p 428
Johnson Colford, Sarah p 428
Johnson Morin, Ellen p 428
Johnston, John p 324
Johnston Clarke, Marjorie p 324
Johnston family c., 1892 p 324
Johnstone Henry, Heather p 309
Jones, Susan ‘Susie’ p 430
Jones, Thomas p 430
Kirkwood children with J & H p 485
Kirkwood, James A. p 485
Lane, Mary (Sister Mary of the Conception) p 1139
Law Copping Gendner, Mary pg 531
Law Parker, Mary Ellen p 530
Law, Matilda “Jennie” p 530
Lindsay Bert Family 1940 p 57
Lindsay Brown, Susannah death registration p 57
Lindsay, James B. p 57
Lindsay, Leslie Bertrand “Bert” p 57
Livingston Family 1939 p 843
Livingston Family at Escanaba c. 1908 p 843
Livingston, Archie 1906 p 843
Livingston, Louis & Jane Emily Smith 1929 p 843
Livingston, Louis , Jane Emily Smith, Arche & Mary Eva p 843
Livingston, Louis B. p 843
Markey, Ellen p 309
Marlin Family Ascot, Qc c. 1915 p 520
Marlin family, Greenwood cemetery p 527
Marlin McCurdy, Martha “Eliza” p 520
Marlin, Sarah Jane “Jennie” p 520
Marlin, William p 520
Mason, Eliza Jane p 323
Mason, George Albert (Canon) p 568
Mason, James Henry & Richard Mason jr. p 541
Mason, Richard sr. & James Henry Mason p 541
Mason, sons of T.A. & E.G. p 283
Mason, Thomas Armstrong & Elizabeth Gray p 283
Mason, William Armstrong & Mary McNichol p 1028
McCauley, James p 578
McClatchey Copping, Mary p 324
McEvoy, William p 828
McGowan, Mary Ann Nightingale Latch p 610
McGowan, Sarah Ann Cooper Family p 613
McNown, Isaac p 16
McNown, John p 16
McNown, Robert p 185
Morgan, Bernice and Fern p 167
Nightingale Rourke, Catherine p 664
Nightingale Rourke, Ellen p 666
Nightingale, second travel trunk p 659
Norris Beatty, Jean p 50
Norrish, Mary Jane p 680
Odlum, Rebecca p 750
O’Rourke Kearns, Margaret p 1098
Parkinson Bannerman, Susanna “Melvine” p 691
Parkinson, Bertram Lester p 695
Parkinson Burns, Gertrude p 691
Parkinson Gundesen, Inez p 698 & p 700Parkinson Kirkwood, Hattie Maud p 485 & p 694
Parkinson Routenberg, Bertha p 686
Parkinson, Rowena, Leslie, Edna p 693
Parkinson Sharpe, Mary Jane & Esther Sharpe p 686
Parkinson, Stanley Copping p 689
Parkinson Tate, Mary with Jane Tate Sadler p 689
Parkinson Thompson, Hazel p 689
Parkinson Wilcox, Mary Elizabeth p 687
Parkinson, Cecil Lawrence p 918
Parkinson, Elton p 698
Parkinson, Frederick p 693
Parkinson, George Boyce p 690
Parkinson, James “Big Jim” p 686
Parkinson, James & F. Elizabeth Copping p 686
Parkinson, John p 690
Parkinson, John & Mary Gray family p 687
Parkinson, Mary “Birdie” & W. F. (Fred) Wilcox p 687
Parkinson, Prudence p 688
Parkinson, Ralph p 685
Parkinson, Thomas W., U.S. citizen & marriage p 686
Parkinson, Walter p 698
Parkinson, Walter Gordon E. p 698
Pigott, Mary Eliza Butler p 623
Pigott Swift, Eliza p 28
Pigott Swift, Eliza with Robert Swift & 9 children p 863
Ralston, William p 135
Roach Family, Ste-Julienne c. 1904 p 1123
Roach, Christy p 1123
Roach, James Cornelius & Cecilia Roach p 1123
Roach, John p 1123
Roach, Julia p 1123
Roach, Michael p 1123
Roarke Robert Family 1897, Rawdon p 20
Roarke, Robert p 20
Rockville , Smith Homestead c. 1920 p 845
Rourke, Henry Warren p 664
Rourke, Henry Warren & Catherine Nightingale p 664
Rourke, James p 750
Rourke, John p 747
Rourke, John Henry (Jack) p 664
Rourke, Thomas Odlum p 700
Rourke, William Edwin OR James Delbert Rourke p 664
Rowan, Mary Elizabeth (Sister Mary Anne of Jesus) p 1139
Sadler, Mitchell p 551
Scroggie Parkinson, Esther p 685
Shields, Mary Sarah Greenan p 309
Sisters of St. Anne, Rawdon Convent, 1928 p 1139
Smiley, George Samuel, V.S. p 824
Smith Homestead c. 1896 p 845
Smith Livingston, Jane Emily p 843
Smith Marlin, Charlotte Mary Ann p 520
Smith Parkinson, Jane Ellen p 841
Smith, Jane Emily & Louis Livingston 1929 p 843
Stafford Marlin Booth, Eliza J. p 31
Stafford Hamilton, Ellen E. p 31
Swift, Eliza Pigott p 31
Swift Robert Family p 863
Swift, James & Rachel Veal p 861
Swift, Robert (inset) with Eliza Pigott & 9 children p 863
Tansey Farrell, Catherine p 888
Tate Sadler, Jane with Mary Parkinson Tate p 689
Thompson, Hazel Parkinson p 689
Tighe, Thomas p 913
Tinkler, Bessie & Harold Brior p 917
Tinkler, Eva & John Miller p 917
Tinkler, John Edmond (Johnny) p 918
Tinkler, Marjorie & Roderick Candlish p 917
Tock Booth, Josephine p 31
Touet, Brenda with Holtby book p 367
Veale, Elijah p 878
Veal, Rachel & James Swift p 861
Wilcox,W. F. (Fred) & Mary “Birdie” Parkinson p 687
Young, Wilfred & Clarene p 698
Page 15
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Page 31

Sethus J. Booth and Hazel Johnston Booth
with Helen T. Booth at her baptism, 1947
Page 41
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Page 53
Page 57
Back Row (L-R) June Victoria, Frances Nelson “Jerome”, William Bertrand (Bill), James Connaught (Jim), Otto Alexander, Mae Bernadette
Front Row (L-R) Mary Euphemia, Louise “Maud”, Robert Blake Theodore (Ted), Leslie Bertrand (Bert), Orland Leslie (Buster)
Page 135
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Page 170
Edmund Holtby and Sarah Coulter family, at studio of S. J. Jarvis, Ottawa, shortly before the death of Ed in September 1901
from left – Cecil Holtby, Edgar Holtby, Edmund Holtby with Hazel on his knee, Hilton Holtby and Sarah Coulter (Cultra) Norman is pictured with his father on page 377 of Up To Rawdon
The photos are shared by Earl G. Turner of Saskatoon, grandson of Hazel Holtby Turner.
Page 185
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Page 283
Page 295
Page 309
Greene Family, Chertsey 1962
Fernande (Mrs. Felix Greene), William Hannan, Sarah (Hannan), Mary Shields (Grace), Catherine Mildred Fogarty. Maggie Murphy, Louisa (Mrs. John Greene), Sister Rose Madeleine (née Alice Shields, Pennsylvania), Kerry Dunphy, Felix and Fred Greene (sons of John), Crista Dunphy
Page 323
Jane Louisa Copping, ‘Jean’, 1851, crouching, Mrs. John Johnston; Mary Copping, 1842, was single; Elizabeth Copping, seated,1844, ‘Lizzie’, married Geo. Copping, son of Geo. Wm. Copping & Marg. Gray; Margaret Frances Copping, ‘Meg’, 1860, crouching, Mrs. Richard William Roberts; Ellen Maria Copping, ‘Nell’, 1848, Mrs. Francis Morgan; Sarah Ann Copping, ‘Lail’, 1853, Mrs. James Barrow.
Page 324

J. Reuben Copping (1868-1929) and Eliza Jane Mason (1865-1949)
identified by Selwyn Copping.
Page 367
Page 372
The Holtby Rawdon Township Map was used by William Holtby when he was Secretary Treasurer of Rawdon c. 1846. He is the 3X great grandfather of Michael Holtby and Daniel Parkinson.
left: Michael E. Holtby, lived at Denver, CO in 2014 and is now at Whidbey Island, WA. right: Daniel presented the map to the Municipality of Rawdon and Mayor Raymond Rougeau 8 June 2022.
To see the details recorded on the map, go to
The return of the map to the Municipality was gratefully acknowledged and is displayed in the foyer of City Hall.
Page 377
Page 383
Standing: William Sawyer, William Holtby, George Holtby, Sid Holtby, Arthur and Leonard Farr
Centre: Lottie Holtby Sawyer & Eileen Sawyer (Greaves), Ethel Daykin Holtby & Gordon Holtby, Hannah Holtby Wyatt & Cora Wyatt (Lancaster), William & Mary Copping Holtby, Edith Holtby Farr & Margaret Farr Murray, Elizabeth Holtby Lowes & Eileen Lowes, Margaret Holtby (later Smythe)
Front: Roy Sawyer, Calvert Holtby, Marjorie Holtby (Greenwell), Edwin Wyatt, Cliff & Lambert Farr, William Lowes Missing George Wyatt (was overseas with C.E.F.), Clara Holtby Touet and Frank Touet and 5 children
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Page 485
Page 493
Page 520
Row 1: Mary Ann Charlotte Smith, wife of Willie Marlin; Sarah Jane (Jennie) Marlin, the 7th and youngest child who was single in 1911 (Ascot Census); grandson Marlin Connolly; Rebecca Irwin Marlin, 1832-1917, wife of James Marlin senior who died 11 Aug 1906 (source: Malvern Cemetery)
Row 2: eldest son William John Irwin Marlin, 1863; grandson Mac McCurdy; Martha Elizabeth (Eliza) Marlin who was 6th Marlin child and her husband, George McCurdy.
Page 527
Page 530
Matilda Jennie Law and Mary Ellen Law Parker were the fifth and seventh children of William and Mathilda Law of Rawdon and Randboro, Quebec
Page 531
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Page 578
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Page 611
Page 613
Front: John Cooper, William Cooper Whitton, Sarah Ann McGowan Cooper
Back: James Scott Cooper, Emma Cooper, William George Cooper, Elizabeth Cooper Whitton
Page 659
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Page 678
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Page 685
Page 686
Page 687
Page 688
Page 689
Page 690
Page 691
daughters of John Parkinson & Sarah Boyce
Page 693
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Page 698
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Page 747
Page 750
Page 811
Page 824
Page 828
Page 840

Boyce’s Mill
on Ouareau River, 1890 – 1900
Page 841
Page 843
The photos are shared by Pat Widdifield of Comox, BC whose father was Archie Curtis Livingston.
Page 845
Smith Homestead
Jane Watters Smith, (page 958, 964) is seated at the centre. To the right are her daughter-in-law Susanna Boyce Smith and her son Robert; (page 845). Jane gifted him the property in 1877. To the left is Roberts adopted son, George Kinsey Smith (page 468). The photo was after 1896 and perhaps celebrates his joining the family. The man holding reins to the horse and buggy is not identified. The photograph is from the collection of the late Doris Banfill with thanks to Sue Sarrasin of Waterville, Quebec.
Rockville Farm
Robert Smith named the farm Rockville; which is appropriate. This was taken around 1920, when George Kinsey Smith lived there with his mother and is from my own collection. The address is now Scenic Drive; the house, although standing, is no longer recognizable. The author and his brother visited the site in October 2013.
Page 861
Page 863
Inset: Robert Swift (father)
First row: James Henry, Dean Edwin, Eliza Florence, Albert Aaron, Samuel Ephraim
Top row: Charlotte Rachel, Mary Caroline, Eliza Pigott Swift (mother), Harriet Matilda, Lillian
Page 878
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Page 913
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Page 923

Keith Holtby Borrowes (1896 – 1958)
Page 960
Page 1028
Page 1098
Page 1112
Page 1123
Left to right:
1. Lily Roach 1875-1900, daughter of John Roach and Ann Daly
2. Rose Miller Quinn, the adopted daughter of Margaret Roach Reid (see 7)
3. Mary Daly Doherty, sister of Ann Daly Roach, born 1 June 1839; wife of Maurice Doherty (UP TO RAWDON page 887)
4. Mary Margaret (Maggie) Roach. born 21 May 1865, daughter of John Roach and Ann Daly
5. Ann Daly (Mrs. John) Roach, born 19 November 1834
6. Julienne (Julia Ann) Roach was born 1 January 1871, daughter of John Roach and Ann Daly
7. Margaret Roach Reid, first cousin of James C. Roach, born c. 1849
8. Christopher (Christy) Roach was born 1 February 1863, son of John Roach and Ann Daly
9. Willie Roach was born July 12, 1901, grand nephew of Ann Daly Roach.
Michael and Christy were children of John Roach and Ann Daly.