Rawdon and Kildare Research
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c.1795 | Diagram of the Township of Rawdon c. 1795 by Samuel Holland (added March, 2022) |
1820 | Rawdon Township Opened to Settlers in 1820 (added September 2022) |
1820 | Lire en français https://www.histoirederawdon.ca/le-canton-de-rawdon-s’ouvre-a-la-colonisation-en-1820/ (added December2022) |
1821 | copy of an 1821 Map of the original Rawdon Township, drawn by Surveyor Joseph Bouchette (revised June 27, 2013) |
1822 – 1829 | Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning – transcription of correspondence concerning the first Rawdon school with editorial comment by Daniel B. Parkinson |
from 1826 | Some Early Rawdon Schools (added July 22, 2024) |
1825 | Rawdon Township, Leinster County Census (revised May 28, 2018) |
1828 – 1851 |
Diocesan Archives, Bishop’s University, Volume B 19 files concerning Rawdon that provide insight into early religious and community life, transcribed as exactly as possible with original spelling and line breaks and explanatory notes added as needed. The file numbers are of no significance in determining either date or content. |
1828 – 1902 | Protestant Settlers in the St-Felix area east of Rawdon – Marriages, Baptisms and Burials (revised April 2020 & March 2024) |
Rawdon: Ready for Development in 1830 (August & October 2024) |
Burton’s Church, An Irony of Rawdon History – did it become Presbyterian? (added July 21, 2018, revised September 2022) |
Rawdon Township, L’Assomption County Census (revised March 4, 2016) |
Christ Church Vestry Minutes, 1834-1836 Building a new Village Church and Parsonage House and the Vestry Scandal (revised October 2024) |
Christ Church Vestry Minutes, 1837-1842 Rev. C. P. Reid and Rev. R. H. Bourne, with Transcription Lists (revised October 2024) |
Christ Church Vestry Minutes 1843-1846 the Completion of the Parsonage, 1843 Subscription Lists |
1837 – 1839
Rawdon Loyal Irish Volunteers. (revised April 24, 2014) |
1838 – 1839
Kildare Sedentary / Volunteer Infantry. (added March 16, 2014) |
Rawdon Township Map – was used by William Holtby, when he was Township Secretary-Treasurer. It includes the lower ranges that became parts of Ste-Julienne and St-Liguori. It was taken to Minnesota by his grandson John Thomas Holtby after he emigrated in 1880, perhaps after his father died in 1889. It is available to us through the kindness of John’s great grandson Michael Holtby of Denver, Colorado. Click to enlarge so that you may read the names on each lot. (revised March 22, 2017) |
1842 – 1909
transcription from Drouin Index of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials of St. John’s Anglican Church, Kildare (revised April 2, 2013) |
Parsonage of Christ Church Rawdon, 1844 (December 2022, Revised February 2024) |
Rawdon Village: Original Plan (revised June, 2023) |
Rawdon Township, Leinster County corrected names from Census (February 1852) (revised April 9, 2013) |
The Gore of Kildare (added Dec. 16, 2021) |
from 1857
All Saints Cemetery, St. Félix de Valois http://www.cimetieresduquebec. |
Rawdon Volunteer Infantry (revised May 28, 2018) |