Supplementary information about families
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Adherents of the Rawdon Protestant Episcopal Church: 1841-1842
Ash, Bagnall, Bateman, Cook, Craine, Brown, Drought, Edghill, Gibbs, Lewis, McEvoy, McNown, Rogers, Rourke, Smiley: From Union Jack to Union Blue: Rawdon families with members who served the Union in the U.S. Civil War − 1861-1864 (added January 2020, Fourth revision March 2024)
Brown Family Appendix – Kissing Cousins
The Brown Girls and Cross Border Shopping (added March 2022)
Irish Naming Pattern in the Families of the sons of Hannah Pierce Burns
Burton of Burtonville: Bibliography & Sources (revised Dec 5, 2016)
Burton and Meredith Grandchildren
Rawdon Crown Agent Captain Guy Carleton Colclough and his father Major Beauchamp Colclough, agent at Kildare (revised March 8, 2015)
Solomon Cook and Family: Connecticut, New York, Lower Canada, Michigan, Minnesota added March 2024
Canfield Dorwin family events
Baptisms for Daniel Truesdell and Philomen Dugas
Eveleigh family additional census data
John Eveleigh, junior and Mary McGie: Appendix & Summary (revised March 4, 2016)
Fulsher family at Rawdon – additional Census data
Joshua Gibbs Family, Immigrant Years in Lower Canada (revised January 2021)
Greenan and Green in Rawdon and Area (added March 2021)
Greenan – Some Census Records
Hamilton Appendix of births, deaths, marriages and census material (revised Jan 28, 2019)
Holtby – Letter from Minnesota to a Dying Brother in Ottawa (revised March 21, 2017)
Mary Kinsey Hamilton Parkinson – her Scottish Cousland family
William Kirkwood Family from the Vermont Census
Ellen Armstrong Lewis and Joseph W. Britton Family
Addendum Concerning Dr. George Herbert Manchester
John Lawrence Milton: Second Rector of Christ Church, Rawdon (added September 2022)
Rawdon was “a Devil of a Place” for settler Michel Nicolas and his Indigenous kin (August & October 2024)
Nightingale – 1852 & 1861 Census & Descendants of Richard Nightingale and Mary Ann Magowan (revised May 14, 2013)
Parkinson: 200 Years at Rawdon added May 2024
Drop me a Card gives insight into the family of my maternal great grandfather, James Parkinson using circa 1910 postcards; it is dedicated to my Aunt Aggie, who was his eldest daughter.
Citizens Petition, 11 June 1834, Begging for Benevolence on behalf of the Petrie Family (revised September 2023)
Some Background on the Name Pigott
Pollock: Some Census Sources
Stephen Rogers: A Black Man at d’Ailleboust (added December 2022)
Christopher Roach of Rawdon / Ste-Julienne (new Oct. 25, 2021)
Robinson From Cavan in 1820 (added September 2023)
Rourkes of Annagharvy and the Neville family an appendix of census and other data (revised January, 2023)
Samuel O’Rourke – A Boxing Champion (new Dec 5, 2016)
the Reverend Mitchell Sadler: “Endeared to All” (new June 2021, revised Oct. 25, 2021)
Sinclair Anecdote
Smiley – background photo of Parish of Currin church, Rawdon Census documentation and John Smiley / Caroline Dixon grandchildren photo